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FinnSpring 2018 in Espoo,

21st – 22nd of April 2018

Individual competition on Saturday, April 21st (long distance) and Relay on Sunday, April 22nd
National Orienteering Competition,  World Ranking Event (WRE) and trial competition for adult’s and young people championships competitions. The Relay is a part of national Viestiliiga.
The competition terrain is located within the Nuuksio forest. The terrain consists of rocky hills (max 40 meters) and partly swamps and marshy saggings in between. Most of the terrain has many small details and partly limited visibility and fallen trees. There are some settlements and forest roads in the area.

WELCOME! – Espoon Akilles and Leppävaaran Sisu
The individual competition on Saturday

The first start of the competition is at 10:00 am. More detail in bulletin 2. 

Bulletin 2

The relay on Sunday


The relay has three legs. The first leg starts at 10:00. The course lengths for men are 7,5-8 km and for women 5,5-6 km, with the 2nd leg 1-2 km shorter.


There is also an open, easy relay available with course lengths of 3,5-4 km and no licence required.

Entries and payments

Entries and payments should be made primarily through IRMA service or, alternatively, via email: All WRE competitors make an entry to classes M/W21 (no entries to EB and EC classes). Entry fee for WRE competitors is 38 €.


Emit card number must be included in the entry. The need for a rental Emit card has to be indicated in the entry. If Emit card number is missing, the organizer will reserve an Emit card and charge 5 €.


It is not possible to pay through Eventor. The bank details for entry fee payment without access to IRMA are as follows:

Account owner: Espoon Akilles

Bank name: Nordea Bank AB

Bank address: Satamaradankatu 5, 00020 NORDEA

IBAN:  FI19 1544 3000 0539 88



Entries and payments have to be made no later than Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 11:59 pm. No late entries allowed!

Accommodation is available in Hotel Korpilampi, less than 1 km from the event center.



The competition terrain is located within the Nuuksio forest. The terrain consists of rocky hills (max 40 meters) and partly swamps and marshy saggings in between. Most of the terrain has many small details and partly limited visibility and fallen trees. There are some settlements and forest roads in the area.



Embargoed area 

The competition area is indicated on this link: (GoogleMaps)
Competitors are not allowed to train in or otherwise enter the embargoed area prior to the competition. 





There are open course events every Tuesday organized by Espoon Akilles and Leppävaaran sisu. Please see Espoorastit web page for locations. There is free start at klo 16.30 - 19.00, and you need to be finished by 20.30. Entrance fee is 8 euros for adults.



The Map

The scale is in H/D21A 1:15 000, in H/D13 - H/D40 1:10 000, and in H/D45 or older and H/D12 or younger 1:7500. 


In Sunday's relay, the scale is 1:10 000, except for classes H/D12 and younger and H/D150 and older 1:7500. Contour interval 5 m. 6-colour offset printed in April 2018. Drawn by Pekka Rytkönen 2017-2018.

Open courses 

Open courses will be available on Saturday 21st, with a free start between 12 and 14 o’clock, and  to be finished by 16 o’clock. There will be three courses with distances of approximately 2 km, 4 km and 6 km. Rastilippu service will be used. The fee is 12 euros for adults and 8 euros for ages 16 and under. Emit punching system is used, and a rent of 5 euros will be charged for those without an Emit card.
On Sunday, there is an open relay for those without a licence. The courses are the same as in the non-open relay. There is also a shorter and easier class available in the open relay.


The event center

The event will be held next to Waterpark SerenaMaps of the event center available at



Food and beverages

There will be kiosks serving sandwiches, snacks, coffee and tea, as well as soft drinks. The restaurants of the WaterPark Serena are also available.



A parking area will be available for the competitors for a fee of 5 euros per day.



Saunas and hot showers are available at Waterpark Serena at your own cost. However there is a discount price for the FinnSpring competitors.



How to get there


The event center is located in Northern Espoo, 20 km from Helsinki. Take road 120 towards Vihti. The navigator address is Tornimäentie 10, Espoo. A parking area with a fee of 5 euros will be available for the competitors. For public transport, please see



The weather in April


In April, the weather in southern  Finland could be anything from pleasantly warm and sunny (up to 20 degrees °C) to very cold, windy and rainy (down to 0 °C). Competitors should be prepared for a changeable weather. Please see for competition area forecast.

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